Studio and classes

How is your new year going? I have enjoyed it so far, no snow or ice storms. Although, I wouldn't mind being housebound for a few days to get some serious sewing done. 

My husband has been making great progress on our classroom/studio. Here is an update.

The ceiling is all finished. It is corrugated tin and looks awesome. We have new lights that make sewing very easy.

Barn boards cover one wall and a new window will be installed, more good light.

One of the walls is the back side of our living room fireplace. We were going to install a gas stove to keep us warm, but the service man showed us a better idea. We now have a heat pump and will have warmth in the winter and air conditioning in the summer. I am very happy about that.


I know that I am particularly known for my tidiness! HAHA. Anyway, my cutting table has a great view of my neighbors house. When the top part of the wall is finished, we will paint and add a barn board shelf to put more treasures on.

We have an old wardrobe for coats and antique flavor. The floor will be painted and  a carpet added to keep toes warm. The lighting is so great that it is hard to take very good pictures.

All in all, it is ready to have some classes. I love to spend time there, even though it isn't quite finished. I hope to share it with lots of friends.

Which brings me to the next topic!!

I'm ready to offer a few classes here in the new Quilting B Studio.
Several of us have talked about doing some projects in the wonderful magazine Primitive Quilts and Projects. I would love to start with that. Here are a few dates to consider. I have quite a bit of flexibility, so please let me know what works best and then we can finalize a date and time.

The first project we would work on is the long snowman in the last issue.

How is Sunday afternoon January 27 from 1-5, OR Wednesday evening January 30, OR Saturday February 2, 11-3ish??? Please give me feedback on what your preferred days and times would be.

I would also like to offer a beginning quilting class and maybe a doll quilt class that would include making a doll and getting a doll bed and then making several quilts to keep her warm. Ikea has a cute doll bed for $20.00.

Maybe similar to this.

I would love your thoughts and suggestions about what you might like to work on.  I don't have product to sell but I do have things to share. I can give you a list of what you would need to bring.



  1. So you are opening the Quilting B up again! :-) No fabric for sale, but classes, right? How exciting! Maybe I'll be able to join in some day!

    robin :-)

  2. Congratulations Betty! I am very excited about the reopening of the Quilting B! I hope to take some classes there with you!


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