Spring Flowers and class pictures

It is almost 10 pm and I have been trying to download pictures from my phone. I have never had trouble doing this before, but since my phone did some updates, nothing looks or acts the same. So now it is my bedtime and I finally have pictures. I don't want to have wasted all that time so I am now going to use them. It is hard to acclimate to all my new technology even when I know it shouldn't be that difficult.

A long time ago our neighbors planted 100's of crocus bulbs. About this time each year they bloom all over the green lawn. Before mowing must begin we get this wonderful carpet of purple. Check them out!

There was this one sunny day last week and they all bloomed their little faces towards the light. It was a sight to behold and so much promise of spring.

Last Thursday I had the privilege of having four friends over for a day of sewing in my wonderful studio! The walls are all painted and every weekend Loren does something more to make it homey. This Tuesday we get new windows installed....anyway, back to the sewing. Below are pictures of our current projects.

Susan is looking through pattern pages of a newly chosen project.

Nancy and Tracy

Beverly and Nancy

Beautiful appliqued blocks.

For lunch we had soup and salad and fruit and Tracy made us this tasty and pretty dessert.

Saturday began at 10 am with the Prairie Women's Sewing Circle at Pioneer Quilts.

I am including pictures of just some of the wonderful quilts brought for Show and Tell.

Linda with her stars.

A yoyo treasure.

Can you sense a theme here?

The light kind of hinders the colors on this great little quilt.

You will notice that most people only want their quilts pictured and not their lovely faces!

Pam is peaking from behind her cutey.

Take a look at the tiny little yoyos! The next picture is a close up.


Not long ago I had pictures on my blog from a class making the Civil War Sewing Box.

Nancy made hers in a completely different color scheme and included many really person items. I think you will love it.

Inside the lid, many of us put a picture of something fun. Notice what Nancy did.

She does beautiful work.

A little later in the day our Spargonians met for an afternoon of stitching and visiting and even learned a little.
Here is some of what we were doing.

Sarah is finishing her miles of stem applique!!

These ladies bring me joy and inspiration every time we get together. I am truly blessed to spend time doing what I love to do and  getting to do it with women who are kindred spirits. Thank you all for what you add to my life. God has blessed me with so many things and to have all of you participate just adds variety and spice and giggles and so much fun.

This week brings the second half of our Firefly Sewing Envelope class and I get to go to Puyallup to the sewing show. I'll let you know how great those events are.

Wisdom Words from Isaiah 40:31 Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.


  1. Another beautiful post. Thanks for sharing pictures. We are working on our Firefly project. Can't wait for Wednesday.


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