Clark County Quilt show and other fun things

 Wednesday of last week Linda O and I set up our vendor booth at the Clark County Quilt Show. We were blessed to have a break in the weather and were able to get everything in without getting wet. We had a little struggle getting everything into Linda's truck. Our walls are pretty big and long and I looked and looked for bungee cords to secure them but we settled on a rope. The funny thing about this is my husband likes to find bungee cords and has hundreds (I think) and I couldn't find any of them. I now know the secret place where he hides them. Below are a few pictures of our booth.

Now, it looks like a lot of stuff !! By Saturday afternoon there wasn't anything left on the walls and only a few fat quarters. It only took about 12 minutes to load up the left overs because there wasn't much left over. So thanks to all you who came and visited and took home treasures. It was so much fun. We laughed and visited and ate and had a great time. 

Next are just a sampling of the quilts that were in the show. You really should plan to come next year. It is a nice show and the church is a great place to see them.

Beetles all over the place!!

A stunning Sue Spargo Block of the month done by Diana Tatro.

This quilt was made by Pat Curtis, my friend and fellow worker at Pioneer Quilts. Beautiful.

I apologize for not getting everyone's name. Looks like a Buggy Barn pattern to me!!

This quilt is lovely and there was another one in Momma Made It's booth that was stunning also. I think I know someone who bought a kit!!!

Such cute houses done by Gerrie Thompson. 

I love the colors and all the charming kitties. Great job.

Monday of this week was our Girl Gang class at Pioneer . This is one of the current quilts in progress. It is called Homestead Hearth.

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These are 1/4" paper pieces done by Sarah. It is beautiful and I think she's crazy.

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Full view. 

Susan did this sweet little quilt and when we saw it, we all had to go get some of the fabric so we can make our own. 

Classes Coming Up

Next Wed. April 17 is a repeat class of the Firefly Sewing Envelope at Pioneer Quilts. It is scheduled for 10:30-4:30. Call to enroll at 503.654.1555. Following right after this class is the Spargonian Play Day from 11:30-2:30. Bring any Sue Spargo project and join us. They classes at Pioneer have different prices than my studio prices.

On Sunday April 21 from 11-3 we will sew at my studio. Here is a picture of the pumpkin quilt we will be working on. Call me or email for pattern details. It is in the Primitive Quilts and Projects magazine.

Going to be fun! I will have pizza for us for lunch.

Next up is the Prairie Women's Sewing Circle at Pioneer on Saturday April 27 from 10-11. We are on our forth meeting and this is the table runner pattern that we will receive.

Finally for April we have Open Studio on Sunday April 28 from 12-4. Come and bring any project that you are working on. Snacks provided.....have to keep up our strength for all this stitching.

Classes are $10.00

I am enjoying my Studio so very much. I sewed out there almost all of yesterday and today. I am working on my yoyos and a small quilt made with blocks using a little ruler called the lil Crumbler. If I do a good job I'll show you pictures next time.

I still have some Sea Grass and Silken Chenille if you need some. They sold really well at the quilt show so I will be ordering more. Look at  to see colors you might like me to order and her blog is  Great pictures.

I think that is about it for this time. Please let me know if you can attend any of the classes at my Studio. Thanks so much.
Betty Anderson
Cell: 503.680.7436 and home 503.761.3772

Wisdom Words...Love one another.


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