Here comes the sun!

Well, it was here a minute ago!

I hope you had a great Christmas season. I am still enjoying mine. Hugo and Jennifer are here until Monday and I am liking them being here.

One evening before Christmas, most of our family went to see the lights at the Grotto. Parking was a bit hectic but the night was dry and cold. The lights were pretty and there were groups singing in the sanctuary. It is a great place to take friends or people from out of town. There was a petting area with animals (what else would there be) and a place to buy cocoa or coffee. 

On Christmas Eve, Loren and I rode Max downtown to go to our church's service. The night was chilly and the tree in Pioneer Courthouse Square looked cold.

It was a great program. We enjoyed it a lot and then rode back out to our car on Max. I love downtown. When I was in High School, I rode what was called then,  Rose City Transit from my home to school across town. I transferred buses on 4th and Taylor and sometimes after school I would spend time in Woolworth's or a couple other dimes stores...maybe Kress's?? I think so. So many fun little things to look at. My brother bought me Blue Waltz cologne one time! Pretty fancy. My most favorite place to go in between buses was to the downtown library. I loved looking in the stacks and the magazine room and mostly just being in the building. It was a great feeling to be downtown on my own! I loved it then and I still do.

We celebrate Christmas morning at Ginny and Darren's. They are wonderful hosts and we all bring food and goodies and spend most of the day just lazing around and eating.....and opening presents.

The thing I always look forward to on arriving is my annual

Yep....bloody mary!! very tasty. We did have to endure that movie called Elf...not my favorite, but everyone else seems to like it!

Creepy!!!  3D

Our last family outing for the season was to see the Hobbit #2...Pretty good.


Now to coming attractions..........


At Pioneer Quilts,  Girl Gang is scheduled for Monday January 13 from 10:30-1. We are working on various projects. Ask me for more specifics or look at previous blogs for pictures. It is fun and I'd love you to join us.

Saturday January 25 is Prairie Women and Spargonians. Regular time, regular place.

in February on the 5th and 12th will be part one of Hand Piecing. It begins at 10:30 to 1:30....I think

This is what we will begin with:

The one above is Nancy Friesen's and the puny one below is mine!!

Variations on the Lemoyne Star. We will learn about different kinds of templates and how to piece them all together. This class will last for the two weeks and then Part Two of Hand piecing will begin on Wednesday February 26 and conclude on March 5. Same times. You can choose either class or both. Second class will work on:

tumbling blocks...there are several sizes to choose from

 and these are the ones that I'm working on

Better picture..mostly taupes.

I think it will be fun to work on these small hand pieced projects. I hope you will consider coming and learning this old skill. Look for these in the coming Pioneer Quilts Newsletter.

On March 12th, a Wednesday, there will be a Needle Roll class.

The Needle Rolls were used by  men who fought in the Civil War and women used them at home. There are different styles that we will learn about  and you can choose different additions to make it your very own. This class will last most of the day.  Check with Pioneer Schedule to see the exact time and cost.


At the Studio at Betty's 

The Crow pincushion in on Tuesday January 14th beginning at 10.  Come and join us. Let me know if you need a supply list.

Saturday January 18th beginning at 10 is Live Simply

Live Simply: March Mini Quilt

This is the one I'm working on.


Here are two samples of a sewing box that will be a class on either Friday January 24 and/or Sunday January 26. Please let me know which one works better for you....we may even use both days. The Sat. class would be from 10-maybe 4 and the Sunday class would start at noon and run til maybe 6. There are a lot of steps to the sewing box and it is fun make. I have lots to share with you including some of the cardboard for the hexagons. I need to know if you need a pattern so I can order them. I can forward you a supply list and things that you can do ahead of class should you want to. 

This would make a great addition to your sewing room or a wonderful gift. Please let me know what days would work for you. Thanks.

Classes held at my studio are $10.00 with lunch included.

Friday January 31st is Chinese New Year...the year of the Horse
10 AM until 4 PM
To celebrate, I will host a day of come and go sewing. This will be a time to come and see my studio if you haven't been here, or revisit me! I will have celebration snacks all day and you can come and stitch as long as you want to. There won't be any cost on this day, I just want to share my space. I hope you will be able to come.
Betty Anderson

Wisdom Words~~~ Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.  ~Thomas à Kempis, Imitation of Christ, c.1420

and    If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree. ~Jim Rohn


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