A Quick Blog on a Sunny Afternoon

I love these beautiful fall days with a touch of coolness. I hear hot days are coming again. I hope not for long.

Just a quick reminder of the events coming up in the next week or so.

This Friday September 5 is our First Friday Class. This is a group of ladies who like to sew together. Some have been coming since we met at Quilters Corner, some have just begun coming. You are most welcome. We will begin at 10:00 and I'll serve you lunch. We will sew on what ever you like. I have some wool projects that I want to finish and look forward to seeing what you bring. Class is $10.00.


I was blessed with lunch with a great friend yesterday at one of my favorite places.

The Original Taco House Banner

Yum. I have been going to the one on 82nd Ave. since High School.

Lunch was good, friendship is the best. Thanks, Mary Ann.


Another place I like to go for coffee and sweet treats is Crema.

A wonderful assortment of tasty baked pastries


What is your favorite treat place? I must admit that I am pretty loyal to Starbucks. I love the Iced Decaf Grande Soy Latte! I finally learned to say it like they do.


Monday is our first Girl Gang that will meet at my house. I have written about this class before so you can scroll down or you can ask me questions. We meet the second Monday of each month at 10:00 and you  are welcome to stay until 4:00. Class is $10.00


My granddaughter, Sylvia, left for Korea yesterday to visit her other grandparents. She will be gone about a week. I look forward to hearing about all her new sights and sounds and tastes! What a great opportunity. She will start at PSU later this month. Hard to believe she is old enough for that.

My new granddaughter, Nora will be eight weeks old tomorrow! They are coming for a visit in a couple of weeks so new pictures will be forthcoming! She is smiling now! Can't wait to get one of those smiles in my direction!


I get to go to the Portland Art Museum this coming Thurs. to see


JUN 14 – SEP 21, 2014

I am really looking forward to seeing this exhibit. I love Paris!!!


A special invitation to come and sew together this Sunday afternoon. Beginning at 11:00 we will spend our time snacking and stitching. Bring your favorite project and show and tell and let's get our needles warmed up. The second and forth Sunday afternoons are reserved for you to come and sew with friends.

11-4    $10.00


I am ordering Sea Grass and Silken Perle and Silken Chenille this week. It should be here soon and for sure by the time we meet for Spargonians. If you haven't used these threads, I will have some for you to try.


Here are my pincushions from our last class.


Sneak preview!

 My good friend, Leigh Prentice has been making many beautiful quilts lately and I think her latest one is wonderful. She is having it quilted at present and I am making blocks that will be a Block of the Month later in September. I think you will like it. Here is a peak at blocks one and two. What are your thoughts??

I hope this day is a blessing for you and that you are a blessing for others.

If you have any questions, please write

thequiltingb1947@gmail.com or you can call my home 503.761.3772 or my cell 503.680.7436


One last thing!!! I came across this blog the other day   http://orangesink.blogspot.com/  You might enjoy it. Let me know. Thanks, Betty


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