blustery day

How are your Thanksgiving plans coming along? Loren is going to smoke a turkey for us. We will have our dinner in the studio. I think we should have "mini" Thanksgivings all through the year. Even though world news is awful and our country has lots of problems and sadness, there are always many things to be thankful for.

I want to thank those of you who come to class and spend your days here sewing and sharing thoughts and daily life. It is a pleasure to learn more about how you view life and what matters most. We have many things in common and yet we are so uniquely made. I appreciate you spending time here and the richness you add to my life.

I am thankful for my supportive family. My girls are always encouraging me and even though we don't have the same taste, they seem to like how I spend my time. Loren is always helpful to move things or hang up things or take them down AGAIN. He makes me things and has allowed me to follow my bliss!


I have so many pictures to share. I may break this posting up into two separate times. There are so many projects to share with you. I am going to first list the classes that are coming up this month. I hope if I group them together it will be helpful.

Most classes are from 10-4 and are $10.00. The Sunday Open Sew days begin at 11.

This Friday November 14 is our Reets Rags to Stitches day.

Pincushion Class is Thursday November 20

Prairie Women and Spargonians Saturday November 22

Sunday Open Sew November 23  11-4

Thursday December 4 is Maggie B day ( Maggie Bonanomi projects)

That takes care of this month, my next blog will have the class schedule for December. If you have a class suggestion, I'd love to hear it. If you have a small group that needs a place to meet, I'd like to see if my studio would work for you.

From our last Prairie Womens Sewing Circle. Many are working on this quilt. It can be made with as many feature blocks as you like.

A marvelous "show and tell"

Next we move on to the Spargonian class. Sue Spargo held a class in Sisters Oregon and this is what they embellished.

The always wonderful Firefly Sewing Roll

As you can see, this is a very busy group.

Continuing on with more Spargo projects and Halloween cuties:

On an Open Sew Sunday we worked on a variety of things. Here is Turkey Lurkey. He is a handsome fellow.

Love that Maggie B design.

As you can see, we have the most talented groups of ladies. If you would like to start a particular group of your own, just let me know.


I just got to talk with Jennifer by Skype and was able to see Nora smile at her daddy! She is four months old now and is such a cutie. I'll ask Jennifer to email me a picture that I can put in the next posting!

I'll write the rest of the news and pictures that I've captured in a day or two. Enjoy your week and keep warm. It seems a little taste of winter is on it's way.

Betty Anderson
The Quilting B
on etsy   thequiltingb 1947
*****I now have the Square up little app that I can attach to my phone. I can now take credit cards. I am ordering more wool and  more perle cotton. I'm open to suggestions of what you'd like me to get for you.

Thanks for reading and I'll be back soon.

Wisdom words for today:

Relax, Breathe, Notice beautiful things, Love your family.


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