January Happenings

I love this beautiful day. If this is winter, it's great.

We survived the holidays and are now happy to be back in the regular routine. Here are a few pictures of our Christmas Day. We have been celebrating at Darren and Ginny's for quite a few years. They love to decorate and entertain and we love to come see what they have done and eat our way through the day.

One day before Christmas Carrie and Sylvia and I made cookies.

They have a most awesome tree and you would think we have lots of children around with all the gifts...but no..we just enjoy each other.

Our dogs have on their Christmas finery and Carrie is having one of Darren's terrific chocolate martinis!


On to Class pics

Some of these pictures are from Prairie Women Sewing Circle and some are show and tell...all beautiful.

Nancy's quilt and she brought her granddaughter who had been sewing with her.

You can tell that we have very talented people. It was a fun day.

We are changing the format when Prairie Women finishes in March. We will change to a Doll Quilt Class and meet on Saturday March 21. Instead of just having one hour to be together we will meet from 10-4. You can come anytime and stay as long as you like. The cost is $10.00 and I serve lunch. There won't be any mandatory pattern fees. We will share patterns and if we do need something extra we can order them. We don't all have to make the same quilt. In the first class we may select a 30's style little quilt. Some will bring fabric to share. You are welcome to come. Let me know if you are interested. We won't do any machine stitching in class. We will choose the pattern, cut out templates and fabric pieces. I'll demo hand piecing if any would like to try that. When we meet again...it will be the third Sat. of each month, we will pick out the next little quilt and perhaps hand quilt the one we are working on.

A few more class pictures

She is adorable and has an apron for each month!! I need one.


Mary Ann's

I have more pictures but I'll wait and do part 2 on Friday. I don't want to overwhelm anyone!

Next is our calendar of events for the next few weeks.


Next week on Thursday the 22 is our Pincushion class. We will be making a pillow/pincushion from a Maggie B book. Email me for more information.  10-4  $10.00

Saturday January 24 is Prairie Women from 10-11 and the Spargonians from 11:30 - 4 $10.00

Sunday January 25 is Open Sew from 11-4  $10.00 

Thursday February 5 Pincushion Day 10-4  $10.00

Friday February 6 First Friday (bring any project) 10-4  $10.00

Sunday February 8 Open Sew 11-4   $10.00

OK That's enough for today. More on Friday!


43rd Annual Quilting Workshop Coming in February

What better way to warm up during the cold winter months than with a quilt? This coming February, Zion will host it’s 43rd Annual Quilting Workshop. The workshop takes place Thursday through Saturday, February 19, 20, and 21, 2015. 

This is a really nice quilt show and they have wonderful soup. It is out by Aurora. If you haven't ever been you might give it a try,


My friend and I are planning a trip at the end of April. We are going to visit my kids in The Netherlands and then spend a few days in London and Paris. Do you have a favorite place that you have gone in one of those fabulous cities? Would you share them with me? We are looking for fun things to do, not just the usual tourist things.


Pioneer Quilt Shop

Pioneer has new classes available, check them out.



If you have any questions please let me know at

thequiltingb1947@gmail.com      Home phone 503.761.3773 or my Cell 503.680.7436



Wisdom Words:

If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome. 
--Anne Bradstreet

People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy. 
--Anton Chekhov


  1. Glad you had a great holiday Betty! Looks like fun - esp. your friend's cairn terriers! The projects as always look wonderful. Paris - the Musee d'Orsay - a favorite. I like the Medieval Museum in Paris - often overlooked and not on the top 10 or 20, but amazing non-the-less. It is built partly over an old Roman bath - so you get 2 for the price of one. Only open certain days of the week, so plan ahead. It has a fabulous unicorn tapestry amongst many other treasures. I think the Roman arena is not too far away. We discovered that you can climb to the top of Notre Dame if you get there early enough and get a ticket - line forms on the left side of the church. It was a fab. view of Paris and so cool to be amongst the gargoyles. I've been to Paris many times but never knew of this until last summer. Also, climbing to the top of the Arc de Triomph is a great view. We stayed 1/2 block from Notre Dame last June - so convenient - at a room from Air BnB. We ate at the cafe that sits just across the street from Notre Dame - the best Grand Chocolate and chocolate cake ever. Also, most miss the Roman streets excavated below Notre Dame - the entrance is about 200 feet in front of Notre Dame - its a set of stairs going down into the ground. Most people don't know about it. I love Roman things - so I enjoyed this. Tour of the catacombs is supposed to be good, but I haven't made it yet. In London, I like doing the walking tours of London - 2-3 hours and they show you all the secret places. I especially like the Roman tours of London. Most of the churches were built over old Roman temples. I got the brochure at the airport info area or in the hotel lobby. I believe this is the company I went with. The Notting Hill and Portobello Market one was great too - and I think it ends near Lord Leighton's house (artist), which you can tour and which I really enjoyed. Side trips to Bath are also amazing - love that city. Also, I highly recommend going up in the London Eye - I love the view and you really get a sense of the city. Check the art museums and see who has the best art exhibits - then go there. The Victoria and Albert is also a good one - and their collection of old quilts and hand work is amazing, as is their Arts and Crafts collection - works by William Morris and his friends. http://www.walks.com/London_Walks_Home/LW_TIMETABLE/default.aspx?PageId=9


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