Spring's crazy weather

I guess you can tell it's spring when all kinds of wind and rain and thunder and lightening and hail and then a little sun all show up in one day. I see green everywhere and flowers outdoing themselves in bloom. It is a riot of color everywhere. More beauty to come I'm sure.

Lots of classes coming up so here is the current schedule for the rest of May....

Sat. 27th

Sunday 28th


Wed. 31st

All classes are from 10-4, $10.00 with lunch included....Sundays start at 11



I'd like to remind you of the class on Monday June 12. It is called Slow Stitch Journal ideas. We will cover some of the ideas of Slow Stitching, slow food, slow everything! There are lots of ideas floating around on how to slow our busy lives down a bit. Sometimes when we sew we are just focusing on the finished product and don't pay attentions to the process. 

In a Slow Stitch Journal we will let our stitches take us where they want to go. You only need a piece of fabric like Osnaburg or linen or even muslin about 12"x12" or so. It can be any color but a light mostly solid piece will work well. You can use floss of any color or perle cotton or whatever mixes of thread that you like. An embroidery hoop will be helpful as well as scissors and needles. 

Please let me know if you would like to join us, there are just a few spots left. The cost is $15.00 and I'll make lunch and supply anything that you might need. Time is 10-4.

My email is thequiltingb1947@gmail.com or phone   503.680.7436


Next up are a few pictures and then the June schedule.

Susan's so dang cute cat!!!

My kitty quilt for Nora....now for the outer border. This has been so much fun to make.

And a dolly quilt to go with the kitty quilt. Nora will be 3 this summer and they are coming to visit at the end of August. I hope to have the quilt all quilted before they get here.

I think this is sooo  cute...I'm going to make one too.

Not many pictures this time...I'll do better next time.

June Calendar

Thursday June 1--Open Sew

No class on Sunday June 11...It's Loren's Birthday....A momentous Day!!!!!

Monday June 12 Slow Stitch Journal

Wednesday June 14--Open Sew

Thursday June 15 Open Sew

Monday June 19--Open Sew

Saturday June 24 Open Sew/ Spargonian

Sunday June 25  Open Sew   11-4

Monday June 26--Open Sew

Wednesday June 28  --Open Sew 


Spring Wisdom

Image result for spring wisdom quotes

Image result for spring wisdom quotes

Image result for spring wisdom quotes

Thanks for reading my blog. If you have suggestions or compliments!!!!! 



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