Trying out the new laptop again!

I am on a learning curve to get used to this new laptop. I hit the space bar at inopportune times and because of the difference in keyboard, I can't seem to spell. I am sure I will get better.

Our kids from The Netherlands arrive next week so we are getting a bedroom ready for Nora and cleaning like one does when guests are coming. Nora is 3 now and I am looking for some serious playtime.

I am working on a few projects that I thought I'd share.

I started this a long time ago and decided to finish it. I have a friend, Tracy, who has one in her kitchen and it is beautiful.

It is an old Linda Brannock quilt called Gallaxy

This is the book it is from.

Nancy Edmonds took a class from Jen Kingwell and is making this quilt called Halo. I am not so ambitious and only want to make four blocks. Mine are hand pieced and I like them a lot.

I have been making little hexagons for quite a while and couldn't decide what to do with them. When the magazine Quiltfolk came out it had a quilt on the front with blocks like this and I was totally enchanted. I don't know how many I will end up doing but I am so happy with them. Most of the fabric is Jo of my all time favorite designers.


I was looking around and found a blog and then Pinterest....quilts and art work using used tea bags! They are super cool. Check out some on Pinterest or ask me for my Pinterest page and you can see how they are used.  Here are a few that I put in hot water and then dried outside in the hot sun. I used the tea water to dye some cheese cloth and some other items.

This is one that I liked a lot.....screenshot so not the best picture.


I have also been working on a piece that is kind of like slow stitch journaling. I like the ovals and will be adding more stitches and shapes. There is a book called Slow Stitch and it is full of inspiration. You might find it an adventure.


I made this little purse by Maggie Bonanomi some time ago and had it attached to a quilt on the wall. I needed a special bag to take to a wedding and remembered this. It was just the right size for a wallet and phone while looking quite fancy!


Here is September class dates

Sundays are from 11-4   all the rest are 10-4     $10.00 includes lunch

Sunday 9/10

Monday 9/11

Monday 9/18

Wednesday 9/20

Thursday  9/21

Saturday  9/23

Sunday  9/24

Monday  9/25

Wednesday  9/27

I think that's it. I look forward to fall and it's wonderful colors and cool days.

And here are a few looks towards fall.

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and an extra one

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Thanks for reading my blog. I appreciate it a lot. Betty


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