June is a wonderful month

Starting today my husband is taking a week vacation. He doesn't take vacation very often and it will be nice to have him around every day. He is working in the back yard making room for a Tough Shed. It will look kind of like this:

Only a little bigger with French doors. I think it is going to look great.  We have moved all kinds of things to make room for it and it's coming on Monday. 


Class pictures

We have been working on some fun projects and the following will give you a little idea of what we have been up to.....

I love Henny Penny. I think most of us have made this.

I think finishing stitcheries with quilt blocks are just beautiful.

Carol has been busy making doll sized quilts.

A Rebekah L Smith design. I am waiting for my copy of her book to arrive. I thought it would be here today, but NO it has not come.

Susan stitched this and I think it is perfect. The next picture is the inside.

Ah~~~Oscar in intrigued by all that's going on!

Some of us are working on a Block of the Month that Jan Patek and Linda Brannock designed in 1995 called the Collector's Quilt. This is one of the blocks that will be included.

This is block one.

Another block that is part of the quilt. I made this quilt when it first came out and now I'm going to make another one.


Upcoming Classes

Summer is such a fun and busy time. I know it may be hard to take time to sew with friends. If you have a day or so, join us.

Saturday June 27 is Sue Spargo day....we call ourselves the Spargonians.  Class is from10-4 and lunch is included in the fee of $10.00      If you like her style or if you need to check it out, go to suespargo.com   and see what her designs are like. We would love you to join us.

Open Sew is Sunday June 28 from 11-4 same cost and lunch is included. Bring whatever hand work projects you have going and come sew with us.

Thursday July 2 is a day we work on fall projects....or whatever suits our fancy. Come for ideas or encouragement. 10-4

Friday July 3 is First Friday Open Sew. Bring any handwork and work with us. 10-4


*****Hand piecing class. I am offering a one day class focusing on hand piecing. I will supply most of what you need. Email me to enroll and I'll give you the supply list. 10-4  $25.00 includes pattern and lunch. email is:   thequiltingb1947@gmail.com     Wed. July 8

Friday July 10th is the day we have chosen to work on Reets Rags to Stitches projects. Some of us have finished these projects and are choosing what's next. Come share ideas with us. 10-4

Sunday July 12 is Open Sew....same as above description.


Betty Anderson
The Quilting B
503 680 7436

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my blog.

Wisdom Words:

“You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” —Christopher Columbus

“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us.” —Helen Keller


  1. Lots of fun things happening once again!!! Enjoy the new shed - looks nice.


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