Refreshing Rain

After doing some planting and sweating in the hot sun, I am enjoying this little break of rain. It is good to have things watered by the heavens instead of the hose.

Marigolds seem to brighten up any area

I like our slightly wild gardening habits. I try to keep a tiny step ahead of the weeds but if it weren't for Loren, I'd be over my head in unruly areas.

We have some lettuce and tomatoes, kale and rosemary. I'm not really a good gardener, but I love to dabble.

The back will always be a work in progress. I guess no one ever finishes. There is always another flower that would look great in "that" spot and another little addition of an architectural feature.


On to sewing. I have had a few days to myself at home and have been starting a few new projects.

Rebekah L Smith is kind of new to me and she has a book coming out soon. She has this project featured in the Summer issue of Primitive Quilts and Projects.

This is the finished project from a page in the book. She uses beautiful colors and embellishes with embroidery floss.

Here is her blog address

My Book

And a picture of her new book. 


My friend Tracy is making these beautiful blocks. My first is above. Hers is rich and looking grand.

It is the kind of pattern that is perfect for a hand piecing class. I am offering such a class on Wednesday July 8th. It will be from 10-4 and I will serve lunch. In the class we will cover needles, thread, pinning, how to manage the V part of the block and other information. 

The pattern is based on a pattern by Nancy Friesen. The pattern will be included in the class fee. I will need to have you email me with your sign up so I can have all the supplies you need. When you sign up I will give you the supply list. Cost is $25.00


I finally finished one of my favorite Maggie Bonanomi projects. We have a class each month in which we work on our own chosen project of her design. Our next Maggie B class is Thursday June 18. It is from 10-4, includes lunch and is $10.00


Most of you will have heard by now that our mentor and one of our favorite designers, Linda Brannock has passed away. She greatly influenced my love of quilting and the quilt that she and Jan Patek designed was my first Block of the Month at The Quilting B.
I  love her fabric and her designs and am so sad that she is gone. I was privileged to be in a class of hers and her gentle ways inspired me. I started this quilt some time back and will  work on it again now as a little tribute to her.
I found this book in the Primitive Quilts and Projects magazine and just had to order it. It should be here this week and I'm so excited to check it out.


Upcoming Classes

This Thursday June 4th is a class in which we work on Fall Projects. I am going to work on my Rebekah L Smith project. It isn't exactly a fall project....but it works for me.

We meet from 10-4. $10.00 includes lunch.


Friday June 5th is First Friday. Bring any project that you are working on and we will OOOHHH and AAAHHH over your creation. Just hand machines.

We meet 10-4. $10.00 includes lunch.


Monday June 8th is Girl Gang.  This class started out doing Jan Patek or Linda Brannock designs. It has kind of morphed into whatever is your special project of the day. I will be working on my Linda Brannock project.

We meet from 10-4. $10.00 includes lunch.


Friday June 12 is our Reets Rags to Stitches Day. Some of have completed a Block of the Month by Reets and are searching for our next project. Join us and find your special project.

Here is her website in case you need a refresher of her work.

and blog

This class meets 10-4. $10.00 includes lunch.


Sunday June 14 and 28 are Open Sew days. 

Bring any of your projects.

We meet 11-4 on the Sunday's. $10.00 includes lunch.


Saturday June 20 is our next Doll Quilt Class. We have so many designs to choose from. Bring what you are working on or come to be inspired. Little quilts are so doable! 

We meet 10-4. $10.00 includes lunch.


I'm sure that is information overload. I missed all of you so much while I was away. I am just so happy to be back to visiting and stitching with you.

Any questions??  email

cell phone   503.680.7426


Wisdom Words

"The true test in life does not occur when all is going well. The true test takes place when we are faced with challenges." Catherine Pulsifer

"Life reflects your own thoughts back to you." Napoleon Hill 


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