What Happened to May?

I don't know about you, but I don't think I remember all the days in May. It was the first week and now here we are at the end. Maybe if I just sit still for a while it will seem slower. I think it must be all the fun in life that makes it go soooo fast. The first pictures are of our last Spargonian class and now this Sat. it is time for the next class. See what I mean? Judy is making a purse (bag) from a Sue Spargo kit...Mine is on the right. It is such a great size and fun to make all those bullion knots! Linda is working on the border of her Block of the Month . Bird Dance book is now available. Imperial Blooms is blooming,.....sorry Book available also. more Blooms. This is an incredible quilt with so many beautiful stitches. The Firefly shown here ties into our class that finished this past Saturday. Beautiful progress These are blocks from the Flowerbed Quilt. They are so fun to embellish. ...