New baby and other stuff

I haven't written in quite a while. So many things have happened in my personal life that I have just been tooooo distracted to sit down and write. My son-in-laws mother had brain surgery, we had a tragic death in the family, a baby waiting to be born and my granddaughter also had some surgery . As much as I have faith that all things work out for good in the end, I admit I had my fair share of anxiety. The mother is doing well, the baby...Eleanor (Nora) has been born and Sylvia is doing well. Keep reading, there will be pictures. A few weeks ago after church Ginny and Darren talked us into visiting a berry farm and we picked marionberries. Darren said we could have a big box picked in 20 minutes. He was correct. The berries were big and delicious. Loren and Ginny show off the bounty. Darren had picked a whole box by himself in the same amount of time that it took Ginny, Loren and I....I believe we ate quite a few. We froze them and are now thawing o...