January Happenings

I love this beautiful day. If this is winter, it's great. We survived the holidays and are now happy to be back in the regular routine. Here are a few pictures of our Christmas Day. We have been celebrating at Darren and Ginny's for quite a few years. They love to decorate and entertain and we love to come see what they have done and eat our way through the day. One day before Christmas Carrie and Sylvia and I made cookies. They have a most awesome tree and you would think we have lots of children around with all the gifts...but no..we just enjoy each other. Our dogs have on their Christmas finery and Carrie is having one of Darren's terrific chocolate martinis! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On to Class pics Some of these pictures are from Prairie Women Sewing Circle and some are show and tell...all beautiful. Nancy's quilt and she brought her granddaughter who had been sewing with h...