February Fun

Compared with the rest of the country we seem to be blessed with a mild winter so far. Not all that many gloomy drizzly days and not very cold. Wonder what the rest of it will be? I don't mind the rain, any excuse to stay in and sew is good with me. I'll start out with the class schedule for the next few weeks. This coming Friday February 13 is Reets Rags to Stitches sewing day. We meet from 10-4 with lunch served all for $10.00. We are working on various projects designed by one of our most favorite designers. if you aren't familiar with her style, go to: http://www.reetsragstostitches.com/ and you will see why we like her work. She has a great blog. Several of us are doing her Block of the Month and are really enjoying it. Thursday February 19 is Maggie Bononami Day. I just found this blog https://theslowstitchingmovement.wordpress.com/2014/11/16/guest-blogger-maggie-bonanomi-says-slow-stitching-is-just-what-i-want-to-do/ and Maggie ...