Trying out the new laptop again!

I am on a learning curve to get used to this new laptop. I hit the space bar at inopportune times and because of the difference in keyboard, I can't seem to spell. I am sure I will get better. Our kids from The Netherlands arrive next week so we are getting a bedroom ready for Nora and cleaning like one does when guests are coming. Nora is 3 now and I am looking for some serious playtime. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am working on a few projects that I thought I'd share. I started this a long time ago and decided to finish it. I have a friend, Tracy, who has one in her kitchen and it is beautiful. It is an old Linda Brannock quilt called Gallaxy This is the book it is from. Nancy Edmonds took a class from Jen Kingwell and is making this quilt called Halo. I am not so ambitious and only want to make four blocks. Mine are hand pieced and I like them a lot. I have b...