Misc. summer fun

I guess it is not a surprise that summer goes so fast. My granddaughter has been living in a travel trailer by my house all summer and having her here has been so much fun. We watch food channel shows, especially Chopped and also the show called What Not to Wear as well as some summer shows on TNT. She likes Perception. Her 17th birthday is next week and so last week we went to a salon and had pedicures. Her first. Here we are with our new toes! She added a French manicure She looks great! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ On Thursday several pin cushion enthusiasts got together and made some charming doll cushions. We painted them with a mixture of vanilla, cinnamon and coffee and baked them in the oven. As well as their cuteness, they smell tasty. We will get together September 12th to do the next project...a large crow. If you are interested, email me and I'll get you a picture. ************************************* Today a group of us went...