Rainy Day in April

The background seems pretty appropriate for today. We have had some beautiful days and now we have our usual! No so bad, it keeps everything so green. When Sylvia was on spring break she stayed a few days with me and we took a day trip to The Dalles. This is the town that I lived in until 7th grade when we moved to Portland. All of my family lived there and went to the same church. At Thanksgiving we would meet at the local PUD and have dinner with all of our family plus whoever wanted to join us. I particularly remember my Auntie Phyllis making sweet potatoes. They were delicious. After we ate Phyllis and my Uncle Bud played their guitars for us and as I remember, we had a great time. Sylvia and I stopped at Multnomah Falls It was drizzily and chilly but we took a look and then spent a few minutes in the gift shop. We were going to stop at Bonneville Dam, but it was too rainy. We went on our way and as we entered The Dalles I showed her where I went to grades 1-3. ...