Monday July 25

I just got back from my two week visit to my Dutch family. I love the time spent with them and having the privilege to get acquainted with Nora is beyond fun. Here are a few of the pictures I took in the last weeks. I made Nora an ABC quilt and then made her a dolly quilt to go with it. I wanted to get her a dolly and this is the one she picked. She had her second birthday while I was there and we had a couple of parties for her. The kids live in a newly purchased 100 year old house that I love. I made her a couple of dresses and though they are a little long....she makes it cute. Groningen, The Netherlands is a beautiful town with canals and many old brick buildings. There are zillions of bicycles and a pedestrian needs to keep to their own walkway or take a chance of getting run over. A few days before I was to return home we went on a little road trip. This is Burg Vischering in Germany. It is surrounded with a water moat and is just beautiful. T...