Fresh new Look

Since the sun has been out more lately I thought it was time to freshen up the Blog look and get rid on the rain! It is so refreshing to go out in the evening and it's still daylight. I'm getting anxious to plant some more flowers in the back and to pick some of my rhubarb, it is looking great. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.. Here is the schedule for the rest of April and all of May Tomorrow, Thursday April 20 Saturday April 22 Sunday April 23 Monday April 24 Wednesday April 26 May Thursday May 4 Wednesday May 10 NO CLASS ON SUNDAY MAY 14 MOTHER'S DAY Monday May 15 Thursday May 18 Monday May 22 Saturday May 27 Sunday May 28 Monday May 29 Wednesday May 31 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here are a few pictures from our classes. Nancy finished this amazing bag. Lots of wool applique and a background of Army blanket. Great job Nancy!! A while ago some of us purchased kits from ...