the day after my birthday

Yesterday was my birthday. I like to get it out of the way at the beginning of the year and be done with it. Carrie and Sylvia took me to the Japanese Garden and we had lunch there. The day was overcast but not cold and the color of the day was perfect for pictures and enjoying. Close to the entrance There are many waterfalls to listen to. Delicious lunch with cute girls. Interesting pathways Spring is slowly coming Love these trees ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My SLOW stitching for January Something I finished Another something I finished ************************************** Class schedule for February February 9 10-3 15.00 what can you do with a running stitch? Part of the Slow Stitch Practice In this session we will explore all kinds of ways we utilize the common but fantastic running stitch. We use it in Sashiko and Boro and quilti...