Here we are at the end of July. I enjoyed every day of this month. Started out camping at South Beach and ended the rest of the month with a visit from my kids who live in The Netherlands. They left yesterday and I miss them so much. Nora was so fun to have here. She is almost always happy and fun. The dress I made her Birthday at Enchanted Forest Library fun Sunny Days Firefighters are our friends!! I could go on and on about the visit but I won't! It was wonderful and I miss them terribly. ************************************ Revised August Calendar The only real change is in the Sat. Class. It will be on the 24th instead of the 17th The rest are the same. Sunday's 11 and 25 Mondays 5 12 26 Wednesday 28 Thursday Doll Class 22 Saturday 24 Mondays will be salad days for August!! &&&&&&&...