Camping in the Rain

Hello Everyone, We went camping at Barview Jetty a little while ago and it rained almost all the time we were there! On the way it was necessary to stop here at our favorite fish shop! Best shrimp, sauce, and clam chowder that we have found. Excellent. We went there on the way to camp and on the way home. Even thought it rained so much, the clouds were spectacular. The sand had some cool patterns We had friends that camped next to us and we ate really well. Some reading and stitching were also part of our days. A couple weeks ago we went to McIver park to camp. Again it rained almost the whole time we were there. Same friends kept us entertained and we continued with our eating really well. This is a reflection in the lake of the sun trying to come out. Mamma ducks and babies were enjoying the break in the rain. We have found out that our beloved Oscar has Prostate cancer and Cushings disease. It's a sad blow as we lost both our Silkies last year. We don't know h...