Spring Flowers and class pictures

It is almost 10 pm and I have been trying to download pictures from my phone. I have never had trouble doing this before, but since my phone did some updates, nothing looks or acts the same. So now it is my bedtime and I finally have pictures. I don't want to have wasted all that time so I am now going to use them. It is hard to acclimate to all my new technology even when I know it shouldn't be that difficult. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A long time ago our neighbors planted 100's of crocus bulbs. About this time each year they bloom all over the green lawn. Before mowing must begin we get this wonderful carpet of purple. Check them out! There was this one sunny day last week and they all bloomed their little faces towards the light. It was a sight to behold and so much promise of spring. ***************************************8 Last Thursday I had the privilege of having four friends over for a day of sewing in my wonderful studio! The wa...