Upcoming Classes

Just a quick post today.
I am really looking forward to my first class held at my home tomorrow in my Quilting B studio. It isn't quite finished but is looking better all the time. 

I'd like to remind you of a few classes that I do each month. Most of you know about the Spargonians that meet the 4th Sat. of each month at Pioneer Quilts. We meet from 11:30-2:30. We just began our new Prairie Women's Sewing Circle last Sat. with 18 ladies. it was great. Ask me for details.

I have a class coming up this month at Pioneer Quilts called Firefly Sewing Envelope. It is designed by Sue Spargo and I am delighted to be able to teach it. Here is a picture:

It measures 9"x12" closed and 27"x12" open. It has compartments and pockets and a cool pin cushion on the inside. There is a sample at Pioneer Quilts . It is scheduled for Feb.20 and 27th from 10:30-2:30.

I also have a group called "Betty's Bunch" that meets on the first Friday of each month at Quilters Corner in Oak Grove. We work on wool projects and then go have lunch! Quilters Corner is on a corner on Oak Grove Blvd. I also have a hand piecing class there Feb. 8 and 22.

The Civil War Sewing Box that I showed in a previous post will be available as a class and the Ladies of  Liberty quilt shop in Independence, Oregon on March 2. The store features civil war fabric and a lot of great period patterns.


The following pattern is free on the Marcus Fabric website and is one that I'd very much like to do as a monthly class. Here is the link


I can save the picture to word but can't seem to paste it here.

It is 60"x 84" and uses fabric by Judie Rothermel and the New England Quilt Museum. The quilt is by Jean Ann Wright. Interested in working on this??? Let me know.

I hope to have lots to show you about our class tomorrow~~~~stay tuned!


  1. great time today, thank you. I'm looking forward to next time and the block of the month quilt. I see lots of quilting in my future. You are super.

  2. I'm looking forward to the Firefly Envelope Class, but the pattern isn't in yet.



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