A Very Personal Post

I have been thinking about this post for some time and today I'm going to do it. I want to share some of my favorite things and show you some of the blessings that fill my life. My first activity of the day is to make a cup of coffee and then I come to a favorite spot of mine. In the room that used to be where I did my sewing, we have our computer and other things and my reading spot. Surrounded by a few of my favorite books and a little ambiance I have my Bible reading time. A couple of years ago I committed to reading through the Bible each year. I am pleased to say that I have kept this commitment. I can see in this picture that we should consider painting! Pretty Boring. After the reading and the coffee, I start my day. Some days that includes walking with my friends Karen and Gloria. Gloria and I began walking together at the mall about 20 years ago. She has seen me through various struggles and lots o...