A Very Personal Post

I have been thinking about this post for some time and today I'm going to do it. I want to share some of my favorite things and show you some of the blessings that fill my life.

My first activity of the day is to make a cup of coffee and then I come to a favorite spot of mine.

In the room that used to be where I did my sewing, we have our computer and other things and my reading spot. Surrounded by a few of my favorite books and a little ambiance I have my Bible reading time. A couple of years ago I committed to reading through the Bible each year. I am pleased to say that I have kept this commitment.                 I can see in this picture that we should consider painting! Pretty Boring.

After the reading and the coffee, I start my day. Some days that includes walking with my friends Karen and Gloria. Gloria and I began walking together at the mall about 20 years ago.  She has seen me through various struggles and lots of happiness over those years. Karen joined us a few years later and we have been laughing and commiserating ever since. I cannot imagine how anyone can live life without faithful friends to see them through difficult times. They are a treasure to me.

Other days I go to work or go teach or the really awesome days, I get to stay home and sew. I am really a home body and never get tired of being in this house. My husband has worked all the years we've been married and has made it possible for me to do lots of things that I love to do. If it weren't for him, I could never have have my Quilting B experience. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be able to have my Studio that he made and I certainly wouldn't be able to stay home so much doing what I like to do. He has supported me and taken care of me and that is a treasure to me.

I love my red door that leads into the studio. 

We are moderate gardeners and I love my little maple tree...

that is just across from the giant maple tree that sheds these beautiful leaves. 

our backyard is a jumble of old findings and flowers. It is a peaceful place to be in the summer.

My studio has become a haven. A place to have friends come and sew. A place for classes. A place to sew by myself and look around at things that I love.  Here are a few of my favorites.

In our class this Tuesday we made these crows! They are charming.

We used coffee and black paint and brown shoe polish to give them an old leathery look. We are doing a snowman next time. 


Pattern is by In the Patch Designs and class will be December 10th 10-2

My daughters.

It is so interesting to see how our children grow and who they become. As much as we might like to mold them into who we'd like to see them be, they have their own way of growing and if we let them, they are probably right. Ginny, helped me on weekends when I had The Quilting B. She came and made cookies and we would sew together and laugh a lot. She brought sunshine into Saturday. She and Darren have a lovely home now and they are terrific hosts. We do Christmas at their home and it is always cozy and warm and they have the most amazing Christmas trees! They are treasures.

Jennifer now lives in The Netherlands with her new husband Hugo. They are making a life together far away from me and I think that is a good thing. They have a home that is full of light and the makings of a loving and considerate family. Skype has made the whole living far away tolerable! We can see each other and yak and do what we always do including bickering now and again. She helped me a lot when she worked with me and has always supported what I choose to do. She and Hugo are treasures.

Carrie and Sylvia. What a pair! I was given a huge blessing when Sylvia was born. She delighted my mother and everyone around her. She has a sunny disposition and chats easily with everyone. She is growing into a beautiful, talented and brave woman. Much of that is a credit to her mom. My Carrie was a very young mom and amazingly enough was brilliant at being a mother. She is an art teacher and a life teacher. Another two treasures.......OK....so I'm their mom! I do see mainly the good in them all.


Yesterday at Nancy's home several of us gathered to sew and to eat! Nancy fixed a warming delicious soup and she made this table quilt too. She gave us the pattern to make one for ourselves. I have one block done! She is an inspiration. I'm pretty sure she doesn't sleep. I always come home from this group filled with new ideas and wanting to make more. Friends are full of encouragement as well as inspiration.

One of the ladies brought this cutie made from 1 1/2 inch squares. I loved it so much that I came home and made three of them. Someone also had a thread catcher and after much searching I found a pattern and made this

Pretty, useful and fun!


At our church there is a saying that we are Blessed to be a Blessing. I think that is a good life lesson. We are so blessed to be living in a great country, a beautiful state, a diverse city and for most of us, comfortable homes. We have family and even though we have serious troubles sometimes, we enjoy many things. And those of who love quilting, have the added benefit of fabulous quilt shops, beautiful fabric, and extraordinary friends.  I have all that and more. 

I love to have these kindred spirits in classes and at my home. I would like to add one more opportunity for those of you who would like, to come to a new time of getting together. This is for any of you who would just like to know each other better. Be a better friend. Be an apprentice to Jesus. I invite you to come on Friday December the 13th at 10-noon. I will serve you lunch and tell you my -- in progress--vision. I know that I have been given a warm happy place in my home and want to share. No cost, no agenda, no conditions. Just friendship. You are invited.

Thanks for reading my blog. Thanks for being my friends. You make my life richer and lots of fun.




  1. What a nice message, we all need to be reminded about our blessings..........
    You have a studio! I'm jealous I haven't had a sewing room in months


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