Beautiful Freezy Morning

What a beautiful morning! I know many of you will be stuck because of ice or snow or cold, but it is pretty. The other day this is what my car window looked like: Even when the ice crystals melted, I could still see their outlines a couple of days later. Nature is a marvelous thing. This morning on my front porch I noticed that even though it is so cold, little shoots are coming up. The hummingbirds have been happy to find nectar and so many birds have been feasting in our backyard. I am so sorry that my picture of all the snowmen that we made yesterday didn't turn out. My fault. We had a good time making them, maybe if you would share pictures of your finished ones, I can include them next time. Each month we are making some primitive pin cushions. You may want to join in the fun. This and the next picture are the extent of my Christmas decorating! We had a new couch and two chairs delivered yesterday! That is decorating enough. ...