Still Slow Stitching!!!

February is just around the corner. Can you even believe it! Amazing. January has been pretty rainy which is good for slow stitching. I believe almost any weather is good for stitching. Here are some pictures of stitching going on now Judy's Flying Pig it Judy's Pineapple Quilt.. I love hers more than mine! Nancy's hand piecing. So amazing One of my slow stitch projects...I think it may be finished. My stitch project that I showed in progress last blog. I made a pouch out of it I wasn't going to start another quilt for Nora anytime soon until I came across this one. Four out of the thirteen cat blocks!! My Pineapple quilt..I like Judy's better! ********************************** New items added to my Etsy shop I have more than 100 items in the shop now!! It's pretty fun coming up with things to add. ...