Still Slow Stitching!!!

February is just around the corner. Can you even believe it! Amazing.

January has been pretty rainy which is good for slow stitching. I believe almost 

any weather is good for stitching.

Here are some pictures of stitching going on now

Judy's Flying Pig it

Judy's Pineapple Quilt.. I love hers more than mine!

Nancy's hand piecing. So amazing

One of my slow stitch projects...I think it may be finished.

My stitch project that I showed in progress last blog. I made a pouch out of it

I wasn't going to start another quilt for Nora anytime soon until I came across this one.
Four out of the thirteen cat blocks!! 

My Pineapple quilt..I like Judy's better!


New items added to my Etsy shop

I have more than 100 items in the shop now!!  It's pretty fun coming up with things to add.


A Book that I'm suggesting.

Poetic Cloth
by Hannah Lamb

Here is the first paragraph

Whether wispy or ethereal, crisp and graphic or blanket-like
and comforting, cloth can speak to us intimately. In this fascinating
book, renowned textile artist Hannah Lamb explores the significance behind
fabric and its uses in textile art to create richly evocative pieces with deep layers 
of meaning.

Part One is Touch
Part Two is Stitch
Part Three is Trace
Part Four is Fragment
Part Five is Mend
Part Six is Lustre

Beautiful pictures and wonderful words.

Check it out.


February calendar

Sunday's  February   9 and 23  11-3:30

Monday's February 3 and 10  10-3:30

Wednesday February 19 10-3:30

Friday February 28   10-3:30

Saturday  February 8   10-3:30

Classes are $10.00 and include lunch

Thank you for reading my blog. I appreciate it. I invite your comments or suggestions. I thank those who come to the classes, I enjoy you very much.

I hope you are enjoying your stitching. If you'd like to share any pictures, I'll be happy to include the in the next blog.



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