End of the year news

Image result for january pictures

With Christmas barely behind us, we are fastly approaching the new year. For me, 2017 has been a stressful year. Not so much personally, but just because of world events. I am hoping 2018 might be just a tiny bit quieter. Thank goodness for Hope and Faith to keep a calm perspective. And, of course our friends, family and quilting do their part to keep us focused.

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First off is the Open Sew schedule for January 2018

Sundays include the 14th and 28th....(11-4)

Mondays include the 8th, 22nd and 29th  (10-4)

Wednesdays include the 10th and 31st (10-4)

Thursdays include the 4th and 18th  (10-4)

Saturday the 27th  (10-4)


Now for some project pictures

Either way this is so cute.  by Susan P





Susan P

You are welcome to come join us in our Open Sew days.

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Out my kitchen window. It is a beautiful but cold morning.

The next two Loren took earlier when the sun shone pink through the trees.


Do you have a motto? I don't do resolutions because I fail! This is one motto I've seen that I like.

Image result for live simply

Seems like pretty good words of wisdom.


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