Beginning a New Year and a New Stitch Journey

Want to come along? Here are the Buzz Words~~~

Stitch Meditation, Slow Stitch, Daily Practice, Stitch Journey,
Embroidery Practice, Intentional Sewing, and Mindful Stitching.

I love the idea of all those words. Slow down, think, take a walk, sew slowly. A lot of us are retired. We Can have more time. Do we? Or do we fill up every day with things to do? Are they important things? Are they what you really want to do? 

Especially when a new year arrives we think of things past and things coming up. As for me I would like to put some effort into the things that go on my calendar. Choose some things that make me grow, things that encourage me to be better in my Christian life and in my family life. Make more time for the people that I really love being with.

The classes at my home are a huge part of all of these words. The ladies who come make me think, make me laugh,  share food together and sometimes  share some serious things. We are here to encourage each other, share the laughs and sometimes the tears. I couldn't ask for better friends to spend time with. Thank you all for coming and being with me.

In addition to those days, I'd like to take a little time each day to do some sititching. Maybe a few days on one thing. Maybe a series of small things. Just a few minutes to let some creative energy flow through my sometimes aching fingers!!

I'm only talking about the month of January...Some of you might want to take on a whole year or 100 days....I know myself!! I might get through one month. Would you do it with me?


Here are some blogs or books or names to look up to get some ideas. I know you have ideas too. Maybe you'd share with me.

Claire Wellesley Smith author of Slow Stitch...Excellent
She is on Instrgram and has a blog   Liz Kettle

Sally McCabe  textile artist

Alice Fox

Jessica Marquez
not really an up to date blog but I took a class from her and she does great sashiko mending work

Wishi Washi Studio    She is in Santa Cruz Ca and I think she does cool stuff. Jody Alexander

Ok, that's a start. I'm going to pick out something to start with tomorrow or the next day. I'll take a couple of pictures and then go from there.  I'll add other sites you might enjoy. If you send me pictures I will add them to the next post.

You can choose hand piecing, applique, any hand work....knitting, embroidery, crochet, collage, and thing you do with your hands!!!

Alright, I've put it our there! Let's see what happens. Thanks for reading, hopefully it will touch your interest. Betty


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